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책 소개... 시민의 교양 - 지금, 여기, 보통 사람들을 위한 현실 인문학 http://book.daum.net/detail/book.do?bookid=BOK00028070994IN 채사장 http://book.daum.net/category/authorDetail.do?authorID=AU01082363 - http://book.daum.net/detail/book.do?bookid=BOK00028070994IN - 네이버 캐스트 > 시민의 교양 http://navercast.naver.com/list.nhn?cid=2923&category_id=2923 http://terms.naver.com/list.nhn?cid=59124&categoryId=59124 - 주주 자본주의 vs 이해당사자 자본주의..
search result online... - The Role and Influence of Mass Media https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/sociology/contemporary-mass-media/the-role-and-influence-of-mass-media Three main sociological perspectives on the role of media exist: the limited‐effects theory, the class‐dominant theory, and the culturalist theory. - Creating News and Culture https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/sociol..